Edit your profile

Customize your account, such as profile picture, language or two-factor authentication (2FA)

By Eva
March 27, 2020

My Profile

You can edit your profile by clicking on the round icon in the upper-right corner and select My Profile.


Fields / Functions


Profile Image 

Profile image of the user 

Full name 

Full name of the user 


Login name and displayed name inside HelpSpace 


Email of the user 

Job Title

Job Title of the user 

Time zone 

Time zone of the user 


Language of the user

  • Chinese

  • Dutch

  • English

  • French

  • German

  • Italian

  • Polish

  • Portuguese

  • Spanish

Additional Contacts

Further contact details, e.g., phone, X

New Password 

New Password of the user 

Current Password 

Current password of the user 

Two-Factor Authentication

Activate 2FA for more security.

Check the article Setting Up and Managing Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) for more details.


Address of the user (street) 


City of the user 


State of the user 

Postal Code

Postal code of the user 


Country of the user 

Email Notifications

  • Ticket Notifications

  • Task Notifications

Switch on/off the email notifications for any changes to tickets and tasks

Browser Notifications

Switch on/off the browser notifications for any changes to tickets


To log out, click on the round icon in the upper-right corner and select Logout.

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