Configure organizations

Group your customers

By Eva
February 21, 2020

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or on your keyboard. Alternatively, click on the purple circles to go to the next step.

Organizations in HelpSpace represent a group of contacts from the same company. You can create, edit, and delete organizations easily.

Go to Customers → Organizations.

Create an Organization 

  1. Navigate to CustomersOrganizations.

  2. Click the Create Organization button.

Fields / Functions



Name of the organization 


Web Domain of the organization 

Auto-assign customers with this domain 

Automatically assigns customers with the same email domain to this organization 

Select a time zone 

Time zone of the customer 


Language of the organization


Internal notes. 

Edit Organization 

  1. Hover over the last column of the organization row until three dots appear.

  2. Click on the dots to open the menu and select Edit.


Delete Organization 

  1. Select the organization.

  2. Click Delete at the top of the table.

  3. Confirm by clicking Yes, I confirm.


  1. Click on the search bar with the text Type to add a filter.

  2. A menu will open; select a filter, e.g., Organization.

  3. A new dropdown will appear where you can choose the content, e.g., HelpSpace.

  4. You can add multiple filters, connected with an OR, e.g., Organization=HelpSpace OR Customer=Mike.

If no filter is selected, the search will apply to all organizations.

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