All Categories Quick Guides

Some examples

Written by Stefan published on November 12, 2021

Ticket Inbox Fields / Functions Keyboard Shortcut (Mac) Keyboard Shortcut (Win) Select all tickets ⌘ A ⊞ A Send ⌘ return ⊞ return Reply ⌘......

Written by Eva published on January 6, 2022

Read your tickets on the go

Written by Eva published on December 10, 2021

Customize the article URL by entering a custom slug For SEO purpose, it's often useful to provide the content essence in the URL of your......

Written by Stefan published on November 26, 2021

Yes, but every browser acts differently

Written by Stefan published on February 3, 2021

Create tickets using your own contact forms

Written by Eva published on February 12, 2021

You can change notification-settings in your profile

Written by Stefan published on January 22, 2021

Ticket replies and auto-replies are sent via email with a sender name. The sender name is also known as from name. You may want to......

Written by Stefan published on February 5, 2021

Sometimes you want to separate your inbox or hide tickets from some agents. To do so you can restrict agents to see only tickets assigned......

Written by Stefan published on February 8, 2021

Load custom fonts from a CDN Server, or for instance use Google Fonts.

Written by Stefan published on March 2, 2021

Notify me about new tickets in the browser

Written by Stefan published on March 5, 2021

To add an email alias to your channel or add an auto-bcc to every outgoing message, please select the channel in your settings and add......

Written by Stefan published on April 15, 2021