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If you use Outlook 365 to forward emails to HelpSpace you might get an error like the one below: 550 5.7.520 Access denied, Your organization......

Written by Janis published on April 12, 2021

How to work with tickets

Written by Eva published on February 2, 2023

How to configure HelpSpace

Written by Eva published on February 2, 2023

How to check your statistics

Written by Eva published on February 2, 2023

How to edit your profile

Written by Eva published on January 31, 2023

Users can change their password in their profile

Written by Eva published on February 2, 2023

How to check you plan und bills

Written by Eva published on February 2, 2023

Many customers are asking us how to add a nice-looking signature like ours. You can simply add custom HTML content with placeholders. Use the placeholder......

Written by Stefan published on February 23, 2023

Sometimes, customers bypass your official support channel and send messages directly to your agents via email. This can create confusion as these messages end up......

Written by Stefan published on March 16, 2023

Enable the HelpSpace Slack integration to push notifications into a Slack group

Written by Stefan published on March 31, 2023

You can add HelpSpace to your Home Screen to have a more App like experience. The benefit of adding HelpSpace to your home screen is......

Written by Janis published on June 14, 2023

Customizing the placeholder text in the search bar of your Docs site can help personalize your website and make it more user-friendly. This guide will......

Written by Stefan published on October 19, 2023